Welcome back to our Weekly Digest. Read on for the latest updates in tax, accounting and the economy.
Markets continue to wobble
The ASX followed Wall Street’s shaky lead last week, closing flat. Traders are reacting to a handful of uncertainties including surging inflation, recession fears, ongoing supply chain issues, and record low unemployment.
What rising interest rates mean for those who don’t have a mortgage
It’s no secret that interest rates have been steadily rising, and homeowners are likely feeling the pinch. But
what about those of us without a mortgage? ABC News breaks it down here.
Single touch payroll phase 2 is coming
Single touch payroll phase 2 is coming STP2 began January 1, but many companies deferred that to the end of 2022. However, with the grace period rapidly coming to an end, it’s time for companies to turn those functions on. Details can be found here.
How an economic downturn can benefit your business
Economic downturns are rarely regarded as good news, however there are many historical examples of businesses that have made the most of these times and come out on top.
Get in touch
Contact us if you have any questions or want to discuss the next steps for your business.
Star Highlights
Make sure to let us know if you have had any crypto trading as we need more information to be able to complete your tax return. Click on this blog for more info.
Star Reminders
We are currently working through the June 2022 Quarter BASs.
They are due for lodgement by 25 August 2022.