Welcome back to our Weekly Digest. Read on for the latest updates in tax, accounting and the economy.
Government provides further funding for natural disasters
New figures show that last year’s flooding caused a $5 billion hit to the economy, driving an increase in the price of fruit and vegetables and disrupting the mining, agriculture, tourism and construction sectors.
Don’t rely on your Gen Z family members to handle cybersecurity for your business
A new survey found that two-thirds of Australia’s small business owners believe tech-savviness equates to cyber-safety skills. As a result, they regularly hand the reins to their younger family members to keep their businesses safe. Learn what to do instead here.
Brace for more interest rate hikes
Further interest rate hikes are expected in 2023, as new figures from the ABS show that inflation rose 7.3 percent over the year to November as housing, food, and travel costs all increased.
Get in touch
Contact us if you have any questions or want to discuss the next steps for your business.
Star Highlights
What is your New Years Resolution for your business?
Reach out for a Star Strategy Session now!
Star Reminders
We are currently working through the December 2022 Qtr BASs.
They are due for lodgement by 28 February 2023.