Welcome back to our Weekly Digest. Read on for the latest updates in tax, accounting and the economy.
Stage three tax cuts explained
With the federal budget just days away and calls to cut the Stage 3 tax cuts growing ever louder, news.com.au offers a breakdown of what the tax cuts might mean for you. It can be found here.
Six months paid parental leave promised by 2026
The Albanese government announced that it will add an additional six weeks to the current Parental leave scheme (PPL), with two weeks to be added each year to the currently available 18 weeks until reaching 26 weeks in 2026.
Rental market still under considerable stress
At the beginning of 2020, a mass exodus of people from Australia as borders closed led many to believe that the pressure on our housing market would be alleviated. However, the opposite has happened, with rents still sky high across the country.
Get in touch
Contact us if you have any questions or want to discuss the next steps for your business.
Star Highlights
Last week we celebrated Selma Krcic going on maternity leave. We look forward to meeting her new bundle of joy!
Star Reminders
We are currently working through the September 2022 Quarter BASs.
They are due for lodgement by 25 November 2022.